Full-service communications agency

Communication that shows the way

As a full-service agency, we are broad and can help our clients with everything from branding to sales-driving activities. At the same time, we're very narrow because we've opted out of everything in fast-moving consumer goods. Our focus is on businesses with high-commitment products and services. Consumer durables, as they are sometimes called. Cars, kitchens, energy services, housing, pharmaceuticals and so on. We work with products and services with a longer buying and decision-making process that requires an even balance of emotional and rational communication to convince the customer.

Read more about our key areas of expertise

We are Navigator

Navigator is one of Sweden's leading strategic communications agencies. We started back in 1985 and are a stable and structured agency that has always shown black numbers. Our ambition is to be a creative and strategically strong team of 20 people who are all passionate about complex communication. Compared to many other communication agencies, we probably have a few more college credits.

We think this is necessary to be good at things that are difficult. We are roughly equal numbers of women and men. Several of us have been on the client side before, so we all have a good understanding of both the formal and informal decision-making process. We all have a humble attitude and like to see our customers as a natural part of our family.

Our international network

Navigator has been a member of the CommUnity International agency network for many years. It is one of the strongest networks in Europe for those who want to reach out to a global market. Thanks to CommUnity, we can be an even better partner for our clients in the international arena.

Read more about CommUnity International

Our local commitment

At Navigator, we are active in a wide range of networks to contribute our knowledge, broaden our network of contacts and deepen our expertise, so that we can provide our customers with even better service. We are involved in both national and international contexts.

Read more about our commitment

Featured awards

Over the years we have received several awards and nominations. We have silver eggs, gold keys, 50-watt awards and nominations for Agency of the Year in our prize cabinet.

Read more about our awards

Why Navigator?

If you ask our customers what we stand for, besides creativity and proactivity, it is order and orderliness. We work in a structured way and have routines and systems for all parts of our customer projects.

Find out more about how we work together

What do you get as a customer?

As a Navigator customer, you not only get access to 20 communication specialists, you also get a lot of other added value.

Read more about what you get as a customer